Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Re: Week 16: 5/9-5/15: Question 2 Observation an Outside Group

2). NEW QUESTION: Review the Observation of an Outside Group project. What did you find useful/not useful? Did you like this project? Why/why not? Why did you choose the group you observed for this project? In short, briefly introduce your project to the members of the class, and discuss its usefulness, frustrations, etc.... (I expect for most, that the answer to this question will be quite long - go ahead and make it as long as you'd like).

“The Path of Love” for the baptismal group in my church was the outside group that I did the observation for this project. Before I chose this group, I faced lot of difficulties as I was not active in my social network in the community. After discussion with the pastor, he accepted my request and processed my observation to the baptismal group with five meetings as well as prepared my paper.

Generally, this is a good project that enlightens me to know the purpose of the baptismal group before baptized. In regards of five meetings of the observation, I learned lots of concepts that worked with the text book. For examples, a good leader with strong ability in leadership, conflicts management, problem solving and decision making during discussion, the effectiveness in small group, creativity, and the feedback from group members.

In my observation, I found a good leader who should be capable and have a strong ability in leadership to handle all problems happened in group discussion. The creativity and conflict management are the interesting concepts that I write in my paper. Due to the lacking of Bible knowledge by the new believers, they absolutely need to learn more knowledge in the Bible before they baptized. Under this issue, Pastor Wong, the group leader organizes this baptismal group which is also the new group in my church. Clearly, this is the creativity by the leader. In the conflicts management, I notice that the chapters and sentences in Bible are very helpful to manage the conflicts and arguments in their group discussions. Besides, based on their discussions, I learn how to pray when I struggle in my life.

Conclusively, I study the concepts in small group which are only the ideas from the text book. When I start to write my paper, I notice that these concepts are completely and actively being done in this baptismal group. At the end of this semester, I want to express my sincere thanks to Pastor Wong and Professor Perez because they give me a good opportunity to listen, learn, and observe to this outside group and do my project.

1 comment:

  1. Kam,
    I really liked the group you chose for the observation project. In the brief intro you wrote on your post, it seemed like you wrote a really strong paper. I like how you used examples from the book like a good leader with strong ability in leadership. Then you explained it in the next sentence. It really seemed that you chose a group that you are interested in or highly involved in. There are a lot groups starting up now in churches. There are youth groups, knights of colombus just to name a few that have started at my church. I liked how you said that you learn how to pray when you struggled in your life. I enjoyed reading your post. Great job.
