Saturday, May 15, 2010

Week 16: 5/9-5/15 Question 1 CMC and FTF

1). How does CMC differ from f2f communication? (Think outside the box).

In Harris and Sherblom’s text, they believe, “Computer mediated communication (CMC) describes communication that takes place through a variety…include computer, audio, and video conferencing systems, computer chat rooms, electronic mail, bulletin boards” (p.318). In addition, the authors offer, “In a face-to-face (FTF) meeting participants simultaneously exchange more types of information emotional, attitudinal, relational, and contextual-along with the informational content” (p.326). In these expressions, we understand that the participants use the computer, internet, email, and other electronic media to exchange the ideas and messages which are CMC. On the other sides, we exchange the ideas simultaneously in which the ideas and information can directly show our attitude, relation, and emotions that call face-to-face. Under these two differences, I want to share some examples in the following paragraphs.

The comm141P by Professor Perez is the online class that we only turn in our papers, blogs, comments, and all examinations through the computer. Under this issue, we don’t have to talk directly FTF but only send the messages by emails. We can do our assignments at any time and at any places when we have a break at school, office, or during the midnight. Clearly, the CMC does not have any time boundary in the day or at night, but it depends on our availability. Usually, I turn in my assignment when I have a break at school in the afternoon or at the midnight because these time slots are my availabilities.

For the face-to-face (FTF) issue, I want to talk about the other communication classes at school. Clearly, I should come to class according to my schedule as this is the must. The benefits that I can get from the FTF in class are the interaction, decision making, problem solving when I have the small group discussion with my classmates.

Today, I always use CMC technology to talk with my children because they are at work and at college. Undoubtedly, the web-cam is the most important thing to connect three of us at the same time which depends on our availabilities in different places. Sometimes, I want to have FTF gathering with both of them because we can hug together to show our care and bonding in the family.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Re: Week 16: 5/9-5/15 Question 3 - Reward and Punishment Power

3). Pick one other concept in the book (any chapter) that you feel needs further discussion?

Reward and Punishment Power is the concept in chapter 12 that I want to share with all of you. In Harris and Sherblom’s text, they offer, “In an organizational small group, the administrative assistant or secretary may hold this power” (p.257). I full agree with the authors’ expression. We understand each of these individuals have their own positions in the organization because of the classical management. In an organization, the organization chart is an important chart to let everyone understands who lead or supervise the staffs.

Before I came in the United States, I worked in a company with 50 staffs in the office. My position was the administrative assistant who was lead by the secretary. My routine work was to do filing, prepared the meeting agenda and memos to all clerks in different divisions. If I could not finish the work, I should do the OT (over time) work but without any additional pay. After one year, the secretary took her vacation for four weeks and I tried to act her position in the office. Clearly, the work load was very heavy that let me work until nine o’clock at night time. One day, my boss talked to me and gave me a big surprise. He understood that I was very hard working and always worked long hours in the office. In order to be fair to me, he increased twenty percent of my salary which was a kind of reward. Under this issue, I believe that if you work hard to your job, your boss will give you the reward as he has his own power to lead and manage the office.

In another issue at home, if my children get the good grades at his or her report card, I usually buy the small gifts to both of them. Conversely, if they have the low grades at the report card, I may try to cut their chattering time over the computer and pocket money. Under these two issues, my children understand that I have the reward and punishment power in the family.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Re: Week 16: 5/9-5/15: Question 2 Observation an Outside Group

2). NEW QUESTION: Review the Observation of an Outside Group project. What did you find useful/not useful? Did you like this project? Why/why not? Why did you choose the group you observed for this project? In short, briefly introduce your project to the members of the class, and discuss its usefulness, frustrations, etc.... (I expect for most, that the answer to this question will be quite long - go ahead and make it as long as you'd like).

“The Path of Love” for the baptismal group in my church was the outside group that I did the observation for this project. Before I chose this group, I faced lot of difficulties as I was not active in my social network in the community. After discussion with the pastor, he accepted my request and processed my observation to the baptismal group with five meetings as well as prepared my paper.

Generally, this is a good project that enlightens me to know the purpose of the baptismal group before baptized. In regards of five meetings of the observation, I learned lots of concepts that worked with the text book. For examples, a good leader with strong ability in leadership, conflicts management, problem solving and decision making during discussion, the effectiveness in small group, creativity, and the feedback from group members.

In my observation, I found a good leader who should be capable and have a strong ability in leadership to handle all problems happened in group discussion. The creativity and conflict management are the interesting concepts that I write in my paper. Due to the lacking of Bible knowledge by the new believers, they absolutely need to learn more knowledge in the Bible before they baptized. Under this issue, Pastor Wong, the group leader organizes this baptismal group which is also the new group in my church. Clearly, this is the creativity by the leader. In the conflicts management, I notice that the chapters and sentences in Bible are very helpful to manage the conflicts and arguments in their group discussions. Besides, based on their discussions, I learn how to pray when I struggle in my life.

Conclusively, I study the concepts in small group which are only the ideas from the text book. When I start to write my paper, I notice that these concepts are completely and actively being done in this baptismal group. At the end of this semester, I want to express my sincere thanks to Pastor Wong and Professor Perez because they give me a good opportunity to listen, learn, and observe to this outside group and do my project.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Week 14: 4/25-5/1 Question 2

2). Briefly outline an example of collaborative conflict resolution that you have engaged in. Contrast that with competitive conflict. Which was more satisfying to you? To the other party?

Collaborative (and Consensus) conflict resolution means “win-win” in group. In Harris and Sherblom’s text who offer, “ Consensus requires carefully defining the issues…being open, careful…but they focus on the problem solving issues not personalities or position (McNary,2003)” (p.250). In this statement, the authors express the collaborative (and consensus) conflict resolution depends on open-mind, careful consideration, and listening that will bring the problem solving at the end. In addition, Harris and Sherblom also say, “The resolution should reflect the process itself, as well as the substance of the ideas discussed…That resolution will ideally satisfy all participants” (p.250). In their indication, we have known the collaborative resolution also based on the satisfaction by participants after discussion.

Competitive conflicts resolution means “win-lose” in group. In Harris and Sherblom’s text who say, “It is marked by self-interest, rather than mutual interest, and by an assumption of a limited resource and limited possibilities for gain” (p.253). In this sentence, we understand that the members are very interesting in their own decisions and outcome rather than mutual interest.

Under these two resolutions, I choose the collaborative resolution and would like to share an example for myself. When I want to have dinner with my two children, I prefer to eat Chinese food but they like to eat Japanese food because these are their favorites. In order to avoid any conflicts, I always have the collaborative resolution that we conclude to have the buffet in the restaurant because the buffet serves many varieties of food. Under this issue, both parties are in “win-win” position with problem-solving issues.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week 14: 4/25-5/1 Question 3 - Brainstorming

3). Pick one concept from the assigned reading, that we have not already discussed, that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

The Brainstorming is the concept that I want to discuss with all of you this week. In Harris and Sherblom’s text who believe, “Brainstorming is one of the most popular and useful techniques for creative problem-solving” (p.220). I look back to my study in the community college and university at the present stage, I usually have the brainstorming when I am doing my research papers or projects. In the brainstorming, you can make many ideas and criteria because these things are very helpful to widen your thoughts as well as to solve the problems. Likewise, Harris and Sherblom say, “The key to successful brainstorming is establishing a climate that encourages individuals in an open manner” (p.221). While working with the small group project, the brainstorming plays an important role to encourage member to bring their ideas and opinions that may be very helpful to accomplish the task at the end. Sometimes, the creativity in groups or individuals depend on the brainstorming. Harris and Sherblom believe “Brainstorming is one of the many ways to enhance creativity in the group process” (p.221). However, I fully agree with their expressions in the text.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week 14: 4/25-5/1 Question 1

1). (Regarding chapter 11) Distinguish among a forum, panel, colloquium, and symposium as a means for making a public presentation. Which one would you prefer? Why?

A forum is the public discussion by audience and participants that everyone can ask question, discuss problems, and give opinions to other people. A panel is a small group with four to eight experts who discuss the problems and make their decisions in front of the audiences. A colloquium is a public discussion involved three to six experts who discuss the problems and process the problem-solving. A symposium is a format with two to six people who prepare the speeches and technically point out the problems in front of the audiences. Literally, the panel, the colloquium, and the symposium are close to the forum but the experts need to prepare and organize the contents talking in front of people. Clearly, the audiences and participants have no choice to choose the speakers under such conditions. Sometimes, these prepared contents may not fulfill the audience requirements to make the decision. Under these issues, I prefer to have the forum in public discussion because it seems like freely and openly that let people have echo together. Sometimes, if someone needs problem-solving in the forum, other people can provide the opinions and let him or her make the decision at the end.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 13: 4/18-24 Question 2 Cultural Barriers to Creativity

2). Name five cultural barriers to creativity. What do you think these would keep a group from being creative? Have you experienced any of these personally? Explain.

After reading Harris and Sherblom's text, the five cultural barriers to creativity include a requirement for conformity, an expectation of practicality and efficiency, a trust in the power of reason and logic, a belief in an either/or perspective on issues, and reliance of expert knowledge. In my thought, I believe these five cultural barriers completely keep the group being creative. Sometimes, group members have different cultural behavior that may have different opinions during discussion. Clearly, the conformity, trust, and the belief on issues play the important roles to let members have interdependence and make conclusion at the end. In my fellowship at church, we always have different thoughts about the activities in every calendar year. In order to make things going proper and efficient, we usually make a list of activities and search for second opinions from the reliance and expert. After filtering their opinions, we prepare the modified list of activities and discuss with our members. If most of the activities fit in the members’ needs, then we make the conclusion. Literally, this conclusion absolutely depends on conformity, trust, and belief on issues in the group. Besides, I also support an expectation of practicality and efficiency which is the supplementary and very helpful to avoid the entropy in group members as well.